Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring !!!

It is Spring !!!

I adore the snow,more than most in my city but I am happy to see it take a sleep for awhile.
I am planning a very cool,sustainable garden and I need it to be Spring for a few months anyway.

I am a seasons kinda girl,not sure I could live somewhere that the seasons didn't change as they do here in Rochester NY.Every season brings its own magic and I am embracing Spring and the promise of newness.

I hope all of you embrace Spring and add something new to your bucket lists,dont just add it though,add it,do it and cross it off because life is too short to keep a long bucket list.

First listing I am crossing off mine this Spring is ,Start seedlings early and nurture them until its time to plant them in the ground.

"In April, we cannot see sunflowers in France, so we might say the sunflowers do not exist. But the local farmers have already planted thousands of seeds, and when they look at the bare hills, they may be able to see the sunflowers already. The sunflowers are there. They lack only the conditions of sun, heat, rain and July. Just because we cannot see them does not mean that they do not exist."
-  Thich Nhat Hanh

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Snow Soup and Peanut Butter Cookies !!

My window pane is crinkled with snowflakes,the ground is twinkling and the sky is bright with snow ,perfect day for soup and peanut butter cookies !!

I love making soup in the crock pot, slowly the air becomes scented in herbal aromas and coziness sets in,ahhh...Today I decided to make a favorite in my house Italian Wedding Soup,I found this recipe some months ago and have made it several times since,its easy and super good.

The recipe can be found on this blog ;
Please send all of your Thank You's to Rachel as she is the genius behind this recipe,her blog is full of other great recipes too !

How did I decide on Peanut Butter Cookies you ask?
I was watching the movie "Meet Joe Black" the other night and I had this intense craving for anything peanut butter,I have watched this movie over and over and one of my favorite parts is when Brad Pitt's character has an adorable childlike fascination with Peanut Butter. So here I am a few days later making Peanut Butter Cookies on a blustery day.Baking and Snow just seem to make everything more magical !

Here is my favorite Peanut Butter Cookie recipe and the one that's filling my house with sweet scents as I type..Enjoy !!

Currently listening to :

Monday, January 7, 2013

Country Pie

Happy 2013 !!!

I welcomed the new year quietly at home with snow fluttering outside my window,the snow arrived here in Upstate NY right before Christmas and restored the magic of winter.
Last year we had what many called a "green" winter and to me it was depressing,what is winter and especially Christmas without snow ? !!

Speaking of Christmas I received a Cupcake Maker from my cousin ,I wouldn't have purchased one for myself,it seemed like one of those gadgets I just didn't need even if I secretly wanted it.
 I Love it !! It has been so much fun creating mini cupcake recipes that I had a little too much fun the first few days and ran out of room in my kitchen.Whats even better about this new gadget of mine is that it makes little pies,tiny little pies,too cute to eat (almost) !

I decided to share the recipe I used for mini pies that can be made in a cupcake maker if you have one or a muffin tin.
When you are making your pies I suggest playing the song "Country Pie" by Bob Dylan in the background because its Bob Dylan and he is singing about Pie !!

All credit and thank yous from this recipe go out to the blog "What you give away you keep" (I love that blog name) !!

These pies are sweet,delicious and meant to be shared.

Lyrics to Country Pie