Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How Butterflies came to be..

Its August but it feels like autumn and I am welcoming the breeze,the freshness in the air and glimmer of sunshine that promises a sky filled with diamond like stars..tonight we are graced with a full moon,pure magic !

Ever since my grandma reached that twinkling sky,I have seen butterflies,Monarch butterflies to be more specific,at least thats what I think they are based on know the orange and black almost mysterious ones that seem to be the largest and most elegant..

Here is what I learned in my quest of the Butterfly,some I have heard before,some of it is new to me and all of it gives me hope that "death is not the end"....

The Maori believe that a person's soul returns to earth after death in the form of a butterfly. The Finno-Gric people believe the soul leaves the body as a butterfly while a person is dreaming. To the Greeks, the soul was a tiny person with butterfly wings. In southern Germany it was believed that the dead are reborn as children who fly about as butterflies. Many medieval angels are portrayed with butterfly wings rather than birds.

In Mexico the butterfly is a symbol of the fertility of the earth.
and ..
In Burma, rice is said to have a butterfly soul. A trail of husks and unthreshed rice is laid from the field to the granary so the soul may find the grain or none will grow the next year.

A Papagno Indain story goes like this ...

How butterflies came to be, a Papago Indian story

Soon after the Earth-Maker created the earth, Iitoi, Elder Brother, was walking in the sunshine and heard children's voices as they played happily. He put the colors from flowers and fallen leaves, yellow pollen, white cornmeal, green pine needles, and a bit of golden sunshine into his magic bag. Then he called the children together and told them to open the bag. When they did, the first butterflies flew out and the children's hearts were glad.

Today many ecologists regard butterflies as a keystone species, and they will count butterflies per acre in an attempt to determine the health of an ecosystem, perhaps in a manner not altogether different from that of diviners in the ancient world.

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